English Insights

Role of Press Releases in a business context

Press Releases have always been a vital tool in the communications tool kit of the corporate world. Even though the advent of social media and newer forms of communication led to the emergence of digital storytelling and blogging, Press Releases still remain effective as one of the oldest forms of writing. However it is obvious that Press Releases too demand more innovation in dealing with readers without seemingly being a piece of writing. Today’s Press Releases in general carry a great deal of weight on pictures and other graphical expressions to entice the readers. Press Releases are not just disseminated to print media, they are also published in online websites accompanied by various links with a call to action or for further reference.

Let’s explore in detail about the importance of Press Releases and how they help leveraging businesses and attain business goals.

Used in a new announcement

A Press Release can be an official announcement regarding a new product launch, new business opening, etc. Something “new” is always news and running a PR in such a context is vital to gain publicity. Brands tend to use PRs when launching new products in addition to TV commercials and Social media publicity. It enables the brand to gain visibility in Print and online media which consist of a matured audience. A PR can also be used to announce an event prior to its launch with the intention of inviting a target audience to be a part of that event.

To declare a new partnership

A PR can be used to communicate a new partnership between two companies and what that partnership has to offer. The partnership here alludes to a “merger, allegiance, venture”, etc. It is also important to discuss about the marketing aspect of a PR. Now what happens when you communicate about a new partnership is people will look forward to its benefits. In that, companies can take their products and solutions to a wider audience.

Role in crisis management

Having to face crisis situations is a common scenario in the corporate world. Therefore crisis management is imperative for any business. A PR can be helpful in crisis management as a company facing a crisis situation can use a PR as an immediate statement to boil down the crisis and also to control the situation to some extent before they can plan a campaign to minimize the impact. In the event that a company opts to a press briefing, they can also run a PR communicating the actions to be taken and the way forward.

Effective in reputation management

A PR can be used to boost a company profile or an individual profile as an image building campaign. For example, if a company needs to expand the business, explore new business opportunities, they can run a PR communicating the services offered by that company, future plans, strengths, etc. In a situation where a brand’s image faces an unforeseen situation, running a PR can help dispel the negativity surrounding that brand and restore reputation.

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