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Do people remember your brand through influencer marketing?

As social media embeds itself into our day-to-day lives, influencer marketing has become the new go-to. When it comes to advice and recommendations for products, people are turning to their favorite Instagram models and YouTube personas.

Thousands of consumers have started to trust these influencers and marketers have not missed this. It turns out 86% of them used influencer marketing since last year and 59% of those already running influencer campaigns are planning to increase their campaign budgets next year because they are so happy with the results provided.
Basically social media has given normal people the opportunity to build their own brand by putting out stimulating content and creating engagement. Consumers relate to these new influencers than traditional celebrities or ads.
Influencer marketing is not just a buzzword; it’s a marketing monster that is growing expeditiously.

Here’s why you should choose influencer marketing.

– Boosted ROI

As ROI will always be ‘the daddy’ of KPI metrics, when it comes to pushing revenue, influencer marketing will always come out on top.
ROI that was generated through influencer marketing doubled after three months despite no extra investment on the part of the client.
As blogs by an influencer will still be available for people to find months later unlike other ad types that can fade away when your campaign ends, ROI could be doubled months later despite of extra investment on the part of the client.

-70% of teens trust influencers more

It maybe difficult for a brand to build the same level of trust that an influencer possesses but the tables can be turned by using influencer marketing which will transmit that trust on to your brand.
Another plus point is that brands don’t have to waste resources on promoting themselves. This is done automatically when influencers speak on their behalf and deliver the message they want people to hear.

-No more limitations with marketing

You could put out amazing content but sometimes it doesn’t get picked up or get the number of visits it deserves. This could be avoided by collaborating with influencers as they have regular and strong readerships and you have a guarantee that your message gets read.

-Digital advertising and PR

A proven method of generating revenue used to be paid ads, but most modern consumers are using ad-blockers that prevent them from ever seeing these ads.
By collaborating with an influencer who your target audience already follows, you can be certain that your content is going to be discovered by the right sorts of people and also have a greater level of control in regards to how your message is sent out.

– Brand authenticity

As a brand, it’s one thing to tell consumers “I’m cool”, but having a person that your consumers admire say that your brand is cool is significantly more powerful.

-Engagement? Yes! Yes! Yes!

A successful influencer marketing campaign will result in increased brand awareness, website visits, followers – pretty much exactly what you wanted to see.
On top of this, picking the right influencer will earn your brand that respect through association.

Now there’s no point of running a campaign for the sake of it, so before you team up with your influencer make sure you decide what a successful campaign looks like. Is it shares or simply brand awareness that you’re looking for? Will a video be best? A give-away or a blog post? Set your KPIs and goals so you will be able to measure the success of your campaign to improve your future performance. Share them with your influencer and see if they have any creative ideas on how to get it out there. After all, you did pick your influencer for a reason right? So why not see if they can add a bit of creative sparkle to your campaign?

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