English Insights


By Mandakini Samarasinghe

Nowadays diversity has become a business strategy which maximizes productivity, inventiveness and allegiance of employees. It has started to recognize that hiring young talented individuals is a reason for a company to become good as their employees. When there is a group of good diversified individuals, the employers can improve their odds as well. How do they do that? By hiring the perfect candidate for the right position. Every organization has a competition with one another but the companies which puts their employees first regardless the other factors in the society such as gender, religion, nationality, age, appearance and sexual preference has a high advantage to win the competition.

When a workforce is becoming more diverse, the customers who are benefitting from that particular organization are also benefitting and they feel the same towards the market. Why is a holistic view important for a business? It considers all the strategies of a business as a whole and is important for recruitment. Employees who have different perspectives can help the organization by meeting unmet needs and also by identifying new business opportunities. Considering all the above factors it is interesting to see that the companies tend to recruit and retain the same as the value of diversity is growing so fast.

A diversity workforce is a sensitive problem as it includes different levels of education, etiquettes, different cultures and different communication methods. Organizations can provide equal opportunities to everyone. As well as when writing job descriptions it should be applicable for all types of people as in it should not include any thought of discrimination. Also the companies can include different platforms when posting jobs such as, to balance the gender equality the companies can post the jobs in women societies.

Why finding diverse candidates for senior roles are more challenging. It is more challenging than achieving diversity at junior levels. The reason is in junior levels the skills are not much specialized. The hiring manager can consider candidates from varied professional and industrial backgrounds as well as they can ensure to train and retain the juniors for future leadership roles.

How can we retain employees? Organizations should create an environment where they feel represented, involved and admired. It now has become a greater thought of most of the companies which are thinking out of the box and making decisions when recruiting and retaining employees. This helps to improve the motivation and the commitment of the employees.

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