Troubled times call for smarter thinking and cost effective strategies to optimize your business proceedings. So by incorporating proven Public Relations (PR) tools and activities, you can promote positive attitudes and behaviors towards your business which will help transform potential consumers into consistent customers. PR tools are very cost-effective, and often give you a greater degree of control than more broadly targeted advertising campaigns. Consider using these PR tools to build and maintain the reputation of your business.
Media relations
Media techniques can be focused on distributing messages through many media channels to help set the image perceived of your firm or business. Your media tools would include media statements, press releases, and using social media to get the attention of journalists and track journalists/news channels who are actively engaged in your area of business.
By developing an updated media contact list and building relationships with key journalists to pitch media releases and story ideas to, you can use local media to your benefit in promoting your business and managing risks, issues or crisis’ that affect your business. Outsourcing such activities to a PR firm is widely encouraged due to the high level of contacts with media and the strong relationships between such firms and the media personnel.
Social media
Social media lets you bypass the media institutions and directly capture the attention of your customers/consumers. With the use of social networking platforms, it allows you to follow and be followed by journalists and consumers, drive web traffic, manage issues by responding quickly to criticisms or negative perceptions, and increase exposure for your business brand and enabling top of the mind recalling of the brand name.
Regardless of where you are in the world social media is easily accessible. In times when people have been made to stay at home more, its popularity has greatly increased. Marketing your brands on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. is really beneficial at this point and it’s very cost-effective. Companies can benefit from this increase in usage of social media, as this will ensure increased exposure of the brand.
Keep up to date with your posts, publications and news updates. Keep it positive and most of all keep it real!
Print or emailed newsletters are a good way to promote your business, communicate with customers and keep them informed of new products, services, your community engagement activities and other relevant information which reflects well on your brands’ credibility.
Regular newsletters can strengthen your personal connections with customers and well reflect your business brand and personality.
Brochures and catalogues
‘Take home’ or mail-out brochures or catalogues can help keep your customers thinking about your business and its products and services and is an ideal way to constantly keep your consumers updated on your business at a considerably lower cost.
Properly designed brochures and catalogues give customers confidence in you and your brand, and help drive customers to your website or store. Information contained in business brochures and catalogues can be effectively reworked for your website, helping you do business online and thereby maximizing exposure and reaching out to a larger number of consumers.
Speaking engagements
Speaking at events where customers are likely to attend helps position you as a leader or innovator in your field. As a business owner or leader, building your reputation as an industry expert also builds the reputation of your business – and draws new customers. However, you cannot host events publicly due to the new lockdown/quarantine situation. This is where the power of social media kicks in once again. Using apps for large scale video conferencing and live webinars, you can reach a wider scale audience than you would at a physical event..
Virtual events our hip and trendy (and the only option at the moment) while also practical. These events are valuable promotional opportunities even if you don’t have top billing as a speaker. You will build reputation simply by having your business name or logo on and delivering a presentation about a new product or innovation or even just keeping in contact with your customers and speaking to them transparently and providing assurance. The business owners can use this opportunity to present what activities carried out and the value additions they have provided in this difficult time to assist the general public. Empathy and display of true kindness goes a long way in attracting and maintaining a valued client base and also improves the networking opportunities.
Sponsorships or partnerships
Partnerships and sponsorships are healthy aspects for businesses. Supporting a not-for-profit cause can help build feelings of goodwill and loyalty towards your business. Community partnerships may involve an exchange of funds or in-kind benefits to grow a local community organization in return for benefits that promote your business reputation.
Not for Profit partnerships with the intention of contributing towards a social cause can help consumers identify your brand with good business practice and good ethics.
Employee relations
Your staff are ambassadors for your business and brand. Many businesses conduct employee relations – building their business culture and team relationships by sharing information, promoting involvement and instilling a sense of pride in business achievements. This can improve teamwork, staff retention and productivity, and ensure that staff are representing your business consistently and with the right messages.
Community relations
Building good relationships with members of the community where you do business helps build customer loyalty. Engaging local stakeholders and decision makers helps build your profile and level of influence, helping you to attract more customers through word-of-mouth and ensuring your business interests are factored into community decision making.
In addition to the above techniques, offering a quicker and uncomplicated access through a mobile app will also serve as a good PR strategy which adapts the technology in the ever changing business atmosphere. A large proportion of the public owns smartphones thereby allowing the businesses to directly communicate with their customers. It guarantees that you provide access 24/7 on a device that is constantly in their possession. This makes sure your business is on their minds through constant but relevant notifications and not irritate the customers with irrelevant information shared at unacceptable times of the day. Although the initial cost would be high for such app, the company can generate revenue through in-app purchases, advertisements, and promotions and most importantly improve the ROI through repeat customers.
Thriving through this pandemic is tough but you should not lose focus of your goals. It is important to stay connected with ways to make your company prosper. These are stressful times, and they require you to stay vigilant. Do not forget your aims and goals, and take each step cautiously in the right direction. Taking the right kind of strategy is going to ensure you stay protected from this economic downturn and develop the business in the long run.