As the name itself suggests, Thought leadership articles can be summed up as thought provoking articles, pieces of writing that share ideas and opinions of a particular person, organization. Thought-Led articles are also used in discussing about an issue by …
Cutting Back to Save, during the pandemic
By Lakshini Dahanayaka The time has come to adopt to an uncertain lifestyle today and we should always keep in mind that this is the new normal across almost all countries in the world. Firstly, we have to understand that …
පුවත්පත් නිවේදනයක් පරිවර්තනය කරන්නේ කෙසේද?
අද වන විට ලොව පුරා සමාගම් මාධ්ය අවධානය දිනා ගත යුතු කාර්යයන් සම්බන්ධයෙන් වෙළෙඳ දැන්වීම පළ කරවා ගැනීමට වඩා ව්යාපාරික ප්රවෘත්තියක් ලෙසින් ඒවා පළ කරවා ගැනීම පිළිබඳව උනන්දුවක් දක්වනු දක්නට තිබේ. ඒ, මුදල් ගෙවා පළ කරන දැන්වීමකට වඩා පුවත්පතේ අන්තර්ගතය …
මානසික සෞඛ්යය කෙරෙහි රාජකාරී කටයුතු සහ කොරෝනා වසංගතයෙහි බලපෑම
By Rishanya Suheini කොවිඩ් 19 වසංගතය සහ වෙනත් අභියෝගයන් හේතුවෙන් බොහෝ අය මානසික වශයෙන්: • වැටීම • ව්යාකූල වීම • කළකිරීම • අවපාතනයට පත්වීම • නිරන්තරයෙන් වෙනස්වන තත්වයන් සම්බන්ධව කණස්සල්ලෙන් සිටීම සහ සාමාන්ය තත්වයට පත්වීම සම්බන්ධ අපේක්ෂාවෙන් සිටීම සිදුවේ. අප …
Enhancing Productivity during Work from Home
By Mandakini Samarasinghe It is obvious that everyone is adjusting to this new style of working and learning to create a smooth work life balance. This new normal is a beginning to create so many better ways to enhance employee …
Creative Storytelling via Content Creation
By Shehara Alahakoon Not so long ago, the job role of a writer was limited to obtaining information on a business or product or an event and write on the specific subject. However, this has changed over the course and …
Circular and Economical Fashion
We’ve all heard the stories and seen a lot (and I mean A LOT) of posts on social media talking about the three R’s of sustainability. However, I’m here to tell you there’s actually more. The 3 R’s are actually …
Webinar on Physical Well-being – The Aftermath
Quite often in our lives, fitness remains an interesting and attractive idea. Not many of us take the challenge head on as the word “Fitness” in itself sounds like a lot of work, and it is. However, what’s more work …
The World Post COVID-19
The World, in particular Europe, looked very different prior to the 14th century A.D. The divide among the upper and lower classes of Europe was vast and profound thanks to feudalism and other forms of stringent government practices. This was …
Mental Health – The Aftermath
Mental Health! Ah, an old friend. Like so many out there I was once naïve and oblivious to what direct and oblique effects mental health would have on me. As a Sri Lankan, it’s not often you have the opportunity …